
Showing posts from April, 2016


Toastmaster Project 7 – Research Your Topic urges us to have the knowledge on the topic before we speak. The Objectives for the Project 7 speech Collect information about your topic with numerous sources. Carefully support your points and opinions with specific facts, examples, and illustrations gathered through research. Time: Five to seven minutes Why is This Speech Important? If you want to convince an audience, you need the facts to support your message. Facts and statistics if used correctly are the best arsenal to influence the audience. Your speech will be more effective if you can support your main points with statistics, testimony, stories, anecdotes, examples, visual aids and facts. How to Begin Start your research by compiling what you already know or have on your speech subject. You may have had personal experience with the subject matter, perhaps even have files, magazines and other litera­ture about it. Organize what you alrea


Tips for improving vocal Variety Have you ever listened to a recording of your voice and cringed?  Perhaps you were surprised about how nasally or high-pitched it was, or how hard you were to understand. Perhaps in that moment you wished for a more soothing, pleasant-sounding voice. It must be remembered voice of every person is unique and engaging, we only have to train to remove the distractions in our voice, that  suppress  the quality of our natural voice. We have discussed about vocal variety and its importance in previous post . Here we will be discussion about few steps to remove the distractions and improve our voice quality for public speaking. Step 1- Speak-up .    It's important to be heard when you speak, so raise your voice! If you tend to whisper, mumble or speak with your head down, it is much easier for people to get distracted and start ignoring you. Please note that this doesn’t mean you should be shouting from the word go. Shouting will only harm you


Maximum NUMBER of presentation ARE USELESS Well, your presentation may be wonderful, I like to think mine are, but maximum presentation are. The title of the article is an overstatement, it is to catch the attention – but there’s a serious point behind what I am trying to point out. Quite a few of the persons are nervous because there presentation means something in its own right. They are fearful of the judgement of the quality of the presentation, the draft of the presentation. Your presentation doesn’t mean anything on its own. It’s a means to an end, not an end in itself. Example In your day to day activities you come through reports. Suppose there are two reports: One is written in fantastic font. The binding is great, there is a beautiful cover page, but there is no summery / conclusion, it is just an amalgamation of many points of what is happening without a logical flow. Whereas there is another report on the same project which is not that good looking, b